About Me
Photo credit: Two Creative Photography
Hi, I’m Emily
I am a Mum of two little boys, and I am passionate about helping families achieve sleep! I was inspired to become an Infant and Child Sleep Consultant when my partner and I experienced firsthand the improvement in our little boys’ sleep and the effect it had on their moods, my own sleep, my mental health and wellbeing, and most importantly for me as a Mum, the effect our improved sleep had on my ability to feel confident, be present, and enjoy my parenting journey.
For me, sleep training is about honouring both the love and care we have for our children, and the love and care we have for ourselves. It’s about finding the harmony where we can all thrive by guiding and supporting our little ones so that they can learn to sleep gloriously, and the whole family can benefit!
Photo credit: Two Creative Photography
My Approach
I work closely with your familiy to design a tailored sleep solution that considers your little one’s age and temperament, your parenting philosophies, family commitments, and your sleep goals. I take an in-depth look at the wider workings of your child’s life to enable all aspects to work harmoniously, creating an environment that supports, enables, and nurtures quality and restorative sleep.
I work hard to empower you throughout this journey, by providing the tools, resources, and support you need to work alongside and support your child confidently, without compromising your parenting philosophies.
If you feel as though you would like some help and support with your child’s sleep, please feel free to contact me - I would be honoured to help.